Study MBBS Abroad 2019

Study MBBS in South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
Best Medical Academy in Shymkent , Kazakhstan
·       Location- Shymkent (2nd biggest city of Kazakhstan)
·       5 Years English Medium Course
·       Indian teaching faculty
·       Best Hostel Facility & Indian Mess
·       No crime, ragging free campus
·       Safety on top priority
·       Temperature range is 23 to 35 °C (73.4 to 86.0 °F) in July and -1to -2 °C in January.
·       100 % Visa Success Ratio.
For Admission Related Assistance Call - 8448199050

 South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Shymkent
 Shymkent City in Kazakhstan
 Shymkent Plaza in Shymkent City
Shymkent City Night View

                                          Any Admission Related Enquiry Call- 8448199050


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